Thursday, October 25, 2012

Be Still

There are some words many of us hate. I personally HATE the word "bunion"... Every time I hear the word I make a disturbed famous "Shae face". Another word I used to hate was the word "solitude" because I couldn't think of anything worse than being alone. I used to hate having to stay home alone because there was nobody to talk to, nothing to do, nobody to kill spiders, and nobody to prank. Just me. I am such an extrovert and kinda go crazy when nobody else is around. Even my time with the Lord was usually spent around people. I  hated solitude until I truly understood what it meant and just how beneficial it is.

What does it mean to "Be still and know I am God?" (Psalm 46:10). We live in a society that glorifies busyness. Busyness distracts us from who is in control and keeps us from spending quality time with the Lord. I tend to look at my schedule and then find where I can fit some time in with my Creator rather than giving that the greatest priority and then making my schedule. Being still makes me think of sitting down, relaxing, and letting the Lord work on your heart and communicating with Him. It's so much more than being quiet, it's more like  releasing ourselves from all responsibilities we have and sitting at His feet with an undivided mind.

When God spoke the world into motion, He rested the last day. From the very beginning, God created a pattern for us to follow. He didn't intend for us to constantly be busy and working on something. He calls us to take time to rest, not only physically, but mentally. By taking rest, God is able to renew us and give us strength. When we keep going and going, we tend to believe we are in control and we don't need to rest. I think the Lord also uses rest just to humble us and show us we are not capable of going and going because He did not create us that way. I know when I am busy and do not spend much time with my King, I become weary, and do not have the wisdom I need. When we are still and sit at his feet, He reminds us of His presence, allowing us to be more aware of who He is, and how much He loves us. Isn't it refreshing to know we serve a King who pursues us and wants to have a relationship with us? I think about all the people who serve a false god who is just a statue but our God comes to us and loves and pursues us even when we aren't faithful to Him. The Lord has so much to speak into your heart and so many ways He wants to fill you with His presence. Will you be still and take time to spend with your Creator?

"In silence my soul waits for you alone, O God. From you alone comes my salvation...The Lord will fight for you and you have only to keep still." Exodus 14:14

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What is Love?

Think for a second how you would describe what love is....

Many think of love as having those warm butterflies which honestly sounds a little creepy to me. Our world tends to view love through the eyes of self. People love because of what they get from another, whether that's gifts, satisfaction, or love back. Instead of loving the unlovable, we tend to love those who we know will love us back and seek out people whom we can gain something from. WHY?? BECAUSE IT'S THE EASY ROUTE.

Imagine you are in an area where a hurricane or tornado, or even an earthquake absolutely destroys your house, every possession you have, and even takes family members away. You have no money, no house, no possessions but the clothes on your back and you are left absolutely destitute with nowhere to turn to. Then, somebody who has no idea who you are and lives in a different state hears of your desperation and decides to pack up a truck full of supplies and drive to where your house was and rebuilds it without charging you, knowing you have absolutely nothing to repay him with. This is love.

In the same way, Christ came to us when we were absolutely destitute and in need of someone to save us. The beauty of the Gospel is often disregarded by Christians because they feel as if they have already heard the Gospel and do not need to hear it again. The Gospel is what sanctifies believers and reminds them what true love is. Jesus Christ came down to earth and died a harsh death, so that destitute people could have hope through His resurrection. Christ is perfect, and we are not. There is absolutely nothing Christ gained from this. He did it because He loves us. Love is costly because it involves sacrifice. It's as if love is a sign language rather than words. Words are easy to speak but actions show the truth. Love is not about what you can get, but what you can give. This is the beauty of Love.

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay his life down for His friends." John 15:13

I can think of so many times in my life where I have sinned against the Lord, not stuck up for Him, not treated Him as my Savior and Creator, yet He still loves me unconditionally. He loves the unlovable. He seeks us out. The King of Kings did not come to the earth to be served but to serve!!

Lately I have been reading Love Does by Bob Goff. One of the most impactful quotes I have read from this book so far is when he says, "There is only one invitation it would kill me to refuse, yet I'm tempted to turn it down all the time. I get the invitation every morning when I wake up to actually live a life of complete engagement, a life of whimsy, a life where love does. It doesn't come in an envelope. It's ushered in by a sunrise, the sound of a bird, or the smell of coffee drifting lazily from the kitchen. It's the invitation to actually live, to fully participate in this amazing life for one more day. Nobody turns down an invitation to the White House, but I've seen plenty of people turn down an invitation to fully live" (80). Every day as the sun rises, we have a new opportunity to live a life of love. For me, it's amazing to see how many times I get caught up in the business of life and schedule, and turn down opportunities to love on people. There are so many people who just need you to sit down with them and genuinely love on them. Love requires sacrifice. Love means so much beyond the word itself.

This week, let your love be loud and genuine. This may mean stepping back from a few things you are involved in so you are available to love on people, or it may mean being more intentional with where the Lord has placed on you. Think about where you are right now, whether its in a dorm, at work, in a community group, or wherever. Think about how many people you actually KNOW in that realm. It takes genuine love to get to know someone. It takes a sacrifice of time to love on people and care about what they are going through. Just remember, LOVE DOES.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Drops of Mercy and Flashes of Power

            Sorry there haven't been any blogs lately...I've been busy with princess fashion shows, making Mac&cheese, and swimming my fins off. AKA....Nanny life =)

I sit here tonight absolutely in awe of the Lord's power as my room lights up every second and rain pounds on my window. That is one of my favorite characteristics of the Lord, so thunderstorms are my all-time favorite God moments. Ever since I was little I have been in love with thunderstorms, getting chased home by tornadoes #oklahomalife...., and rain. From a young age God used his powerful storms to reveal His almighty power to me.

Think about it.....God is sitting up in Heaven holding every lightning bolt in His hand and directing each one where to go, while dropping each drip of rain (being a prankster, it's probably a good thing this job is in the Lord's hands and not mine). If this doesn't scream "I am in control and I LOVE you", then I don't know what does. I love reflecting on my life and looking at the parts where I didn't trust God....the one who made me, placed me where I am, has taken care of me every step of my life, and worked everything out for my good. I start laughing at myself because I can be so blinded some times. I, the short little french fry who is crazy and blah blah blah won't put 100% trust in God, the one who has always been there, loves me, works everything out, DIED for me, and healed a blind man? Talk about CRAY CRAY. 

I love the Lord's promise when He says He will never give us more than we can take. The rain reminds me of that promise of mercy and grace. Instead of dumping giant buckets of water on us like we were dying at a water park, He sends down little drops so the ground can absorb it slowly. Think about it...when trials come, He never gives us more than we can handle but gives us a little at a time so it can absorb and we can change.

Wherever you are right now, whether you are in the Dallas area feeling the rain, or just reflecting on a trial you are going through, take a few minutes to truly reflect on the Lord's power. Take the blinders off and see how powerful and mighty He is, and trust in His plans. He WILL work everything out for your good, whether that's a future plan that needs to happen, or something He needs to teach you.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Proverbs 31 part 3

Proverbs 31: 24-31

Vs. 24: "She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes."
      This verse is another picture of a diligent woman who contributes to her family's needs and uses her skills to contribute financially.

Vs. 25: She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."
       This is one of my favorite verses in Proverbs 31 because it shows a woman who is anxiety free because she trusts the Lord and knows who holds the future. She clothes herself with the Lord. Think about it...when you get ready in the morning and put clothes on, it is deliberate. You know that what you put on others will see. Do people around you see Christ when they look at you? She has no anxiety because she knows her family is well taken care of. Also, this is another picture of diligence as she has already provided for her family so she does not need to worry. I love when it says "she can laugh at the days to come" because it shows the absolute trust she has in the Lord. When we trust ourselves and look for security in relationships, in money, and other people, we will in no way be able to laugh at the days to come because our security and hopes are in things of the world that WILL fail us. When we entrust our lives to Christ and trust He has a plan (which is ALWAYS way better than ours!) then we can live at ease, no matter what obstacles come our way.

Vs. 26: "She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue."

      Since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the fact that she speaks with wisdom shows she fears the Lord and lives for Him. Out of the heart the mouth speaks. She is not someone who slanders people and gossips, but someone who encourages others and speaks wisdom into their lives. She is someone people can come to to receive instruction. She is not foolish but someone who is so in tune with the Word of God that her instruction flows from the Biblical instruction the Lord provides.

Vs. 27: "She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."

       Just as a spy watches out for enemies and ways to protect others, a Proverbs 31 woman watches over her family and carefully watches out for ways to protect them from dangers. This would include things like watching over her children and not allowing them to be involved with people who are not of the same mind or people who could drag them away from their relationship with Christ. She is not idle but always diligent.

Vs. 28: "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her."

       Her family praises her not because of what she has done, but because who she is in Christ. There is nothing that is truly praiseworthy outside of Christ. She is the Proverbs 31 woman because of who she has become in Christ. She trust Him, finds all security in Him, and obeys who the Bible has called her to be.

Vs. 29: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."
       Sure, there are good moms and women who are not Christians, but because the Proverbs 31 woman is a woman after God's own heart and puts her family above herself as she seeks after the Lord, she surpasses them all!

Vs. 30: "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

      Unfortunately we live in a culture that praises beauty. People are getting face lifts and all kinds of treatments to look younger and be more beautiful. Women are obsessed with beauty and makeup and believe they can only be secure once they are beautiful (according to the world's standards). The truth is, those who are beautiful and young with flawless skin and have golden legs like an angel are going to turn into wrinkly prunes with sagging faces and crows feet. Why seek after that which is fleeting and short lived, when you could seek after something that is eternal and will not fail you? The truth is, every single girl is beautiful. God created you with diversity and made you beautiful in His eyes. You are fearfully and wonderfully made-He never once said "Oh, I think I will make this little morsel ugly and insecure"....that's not how our Father works. He is a jealous God who wants your time and energy focused on Him...the one who will NEVER fail or leave you, even when you are a wrinkly prune.
             "Use truth for your lips, prayer for your voice, pity for your eyes, charity for your hands, uprightness for your figure, and love for your heart."

Vs. 31: "Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

      She does not use her good deeds to be seen by man and to receive praise from the world, but it is for her Heavenly Father. Hebrews 11:6 says God rewards those who diligently seek Him.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Proverbs 31 part 2

Proverbs 31:17-23

Vs. 17: "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks."
       Good thing this does not mean you have to be a 300 lb body builder with muscles the size of Texas in order to be a Proverbs 31 woman! (pretty sure everyone would be like "welp, see ya Shae!" haha. It also does not mean she is like Spongebob, who can't lift two small teddy bears on a stick. (yes, I did just refer to a Spongebob episode). It's saying she is ready for her tasks and works hard! She is known as someone who works diligently for the Lord in whatever she does. She is not given a single task where she half-heartily completes it. She is not someone who is lazy all the time, but a diligent worker who strives to do things right-not half-heartily.

Vs. 18: "She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night."
       She does not indulge in sleep. She has a much sweeter sleep since her day is productive. Let's just say her favorite song is not "we are the pirates, who don't do anything, we just stay home and lie around" haha.

Vs. 19: "In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers."
       A distaff is a staff that was used to hold the wool, which is then twisted into thread and wound on the spindle. This is another example of a hard worker who creatively uses what she can get to provide for her and her family.

Vs. 20: "She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy."
      Being a Proverbs 31 woman does not look like someone who constantly seeks the approval of those who can repay her, but those whom she knows have nothing to repay her back with. She does not seek the reward but only to bless those around her. "She loves the poor, not in word or tongue, but also in deed and in truth."-1 John 3:16-18 LOVE TAKES ACTION. She sees needs and does something about it. When it says poor in this verse, it isn't just talking about in riches, but poor in spirit also. She mentors those around her and builds others up in Christ.

Vs. 21: "When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothes in scarlet."
       Many times people look at the Proverbs 31 woman and think she is way too busy and never has time. But take a look at this verse-She has NO fear. She is not stressed out with things that need to get done. Since she is diligent, she is not stressed and always at peace. Her family is clothed in scarlet. Back then, scarlet was a nice material. You may be thinking this is contrary to a previous verse which talked about her not being a financial burden. This is most definitely not contrary because remember, she made a lot of her fabric with her own hands and buys and sells it. Also, many think the Proverbs 31 woman is someone who spends no money on clothes and wears nasty drab clothing that is not attractive. WRONG. She is not a financial burden, but still dresses nicely and modestly. Her family wears attractive clothing, but they do not spend an excessive amount of money on them.

Vs. 22: "She makes covering for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple."
      I began to look up how the purple linen was made, and came across this: the purple dye came from a shellfish that was broken in order to get a small gland which was removed and crushed. The milky fluid becomes purple when exposed to air. Remember, she made it herself so it was not at the cost of her family's finances.

Vs. 23: "Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land."
      Sitting at the city gate was a respected position of men who were like judges. Boaz was one of these men for his city (Ruth 4:1). His wife supports him and respects him as she takes care of household affairs so he is able to continue his work without stress to provide for his family.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Proverbs 31 part 1

Proverbs 31:10-16

This last year my roommates and I memorized Proverbs 31 together. My first thoughts before we started were that this chapter was for wives so it wouldn't be very applicable for my stage in life....boy was I wrong! I began memorizing and studying this passage in depth and learned so much from it. Not only is this passage for wives, but for women who want to live in a Godly way, thus preparing them to be God-fearing wives who are humble and willing to serve their families (and not just make her husband a sandwich).....did I just make a woman joke? ha! =)

The passage starts off with King Lemuel's mother speaking to him about looking for a Godly woman who fears the Lord.

Vs. 10: "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."
What does it mean to be of noble character? It means to be God-fearing, or a person who recognizes the power of the Lord and obeys out of love and respect. We see from this verse that a woman of noble character is hard to find...looks like not much has changed since this was written. Being a set-apart daughter takes time and effort. If you let the world pull you away from the Lord you are just like them, rather than being a noble daughter who loves and respects the Lord and lives a life that is glorifying to Him. If you are a woman after the God's own heart, you are worth far more than rubies or anything. The things of this wold never compare to the Joy of following the Lord wholeheartedly. You also have to be a gem to find a gem. Women who dress immodestly and flirt with every guy are going to get a guy who does not respect them and will not be a man after God's own heart. But, those who are so caught up in the Lord and treat men with respect in the way they dress and act, will be given a man who respects them and Loves the Lord!

Vs. 11: "Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value."
Any relationship must have trust! Even if you are single, are you a person your friends can trust to keep them accountable and to lead them to Christ? Are you faithful to your friends? Like any kind of relationship, a marriage MUST have trust. You must learn to be trustworthy now, or how will your husband ever be able to trust you to be faithful?

Vs. 12: "She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."
Bringing her husband good would be things like not being a financial burden and letting him lead her. This is a huge way you can serve your future husband right now! Learn to budget and think through purchases. Here's a practical way to learn to save and be good with money-label a few envelopes with "spending money", "tithe", "save" and whatever else you would like. As soon as you get money, go to those envelopes and divide it up into those envelopes. This has really helped me to learn to budget and use my money carefully-hope this helps someone else! Most importantly, notice the word "all". Obviously you won't spend every day of your life married, so "all" includes your days right now (if you aren't married). If your future husband could see you everyday at every moment, would he be grieved at the way you interact with guys and in the way you dress?

Vs. 13: "She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands."
A noble wife takes DELIGHT in providing for and serving her family. That can look like eagerly cooking for her family, not complaining when she has to stay home to take care of a sick child, or cleaning with a good attitude since it is a way to serve her family and look after them. If you are not married, that may look like obeying your parents with a good attitude, or diligently working on homework or whatever your task is.

Vs. 14: "She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar."
This is another verse to show how diligent we should be, rather than being lazy. She uses her gifts to enterprise to serve her family, or those around her.

Vs. 15: "She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls."
A Proverbs 31 woman does not waste time and she is not lazy. The key is beginning the day well. Just as the Proverbs 31 woman gets up before the day starts, Jesus often got up before the others were awake and went away to spend undivided time with the the Father (Mark 1:35). She provides for those under her humbly. If you are a mother, do you humbly look after your children? If you are single, are you humble when you interact with little kids? If you are a manager at work and have people working under you, do you actively look after those who are under you and treat them with humility and respect?

Vs. 16: "She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard."
The word "considers" means to put careful thought into. She is not an impulse buyer, but thoughtfully makes purchases that will help, not hurt her family. From her purchase she was able to plant a vineyard, thus showing she uses her money carefully and uses it as a tool to serve. In our culture, money is used for our own pleasure and entertainment, but when you look at the woman of the Lord, she uses her money not for her own pleasure and entertainment, but to serve those around her and uses it thoughtfully.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Trusting the King

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6
What does it look like to trust the Lord? We all know someone who rarely worries and who is one of those awesome peaceful people who are humble and sweet. Most likely that person trusts the King rather than themselves. Does it make sense for a princess to trust herself above the King? Absolutely not!  The King knows what is best for her and pleads for her to trust Him so He can lead her and protect her. At the end of the verse is a promise- He WILL direct your path. He doesn't say "go on your own, you can figure it out and work things out on your own".....He promises to not be by our side, but to DIRECT us!

He simply SPOKE the earth into creation. He CHOSE to create you. Do you not think He is capable of leading you throughout your life? Just take a few minutes to reflect on how powerful your King is....
There are difficulties in life that God will lead you to that ONLY He can fix, to prove His faithfulness.
Think about your human strength for a can lift maybe a 25 llb weight? God not only holds the world in His hands....but the universe and all the galaxies....He's just a tad more powerful! Why do we tend to trust in ourselves more than in God, who's strength is incomparable to ours? PRIDE.

I looked up "trust" on pinterest and it was amazing to see how many pictures talked about trusting in yourself. Why trust in yourself when we have an ALL-POWERFUL God who is faithful and promises to lead us if we will simply trust Him. Trusting in myself is the last thing I want to do...I am an imperfect human. I don't even want to imagine a life filled with only trusting in myself. "He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe." Proverbs 28:26

This year the biggest thing the Lord taught me was to trust Him. I am definitely a planner and love to have a plan for everything. Senior year of high school I was happy to say I had a planned major, so I knew where I was going and exactly what I was going to major in. Then, of course, with God's humor, He decided to show me who was REALLY in control. I got to orientation to find the major I had selected was not an undergrad, but only a Master's program. Inside I was crushed....I was going to be one of those "undecided kids" who had no plan for college. I had NO idea what I wanted to do. Honestly, being undecided has been one of the GREATEST blessings in my life. God had to take away that plan in order to remind me who was in control and who's hand I was in. I knew He was trustworthy and that He would guide me, but it was hard to give up that pride of doing things in my own strength over to Him. It takes a lot of prayer and reminding yourself of how powerful the Lord is.
     "Vast quantities of time and energy are wasted in obsessive planning. When you let Me direct your steps, you are set free to enjoy Me and to find what I have prepared for you this day" (Jesus Calling).

Once I trusted the Lord and placed my love of planning on the alter, He set me free, and gave me peace.

Once you truly trust the Lord, He can show you His mighty power and blow you away!! After God taught me to trust Him, He showed me His pure faithfulness. I felt like it was time for me to go on my first mission trip, but did not have a peace about any of the ones DBU had this year. After many searches online for Madagascar mission trips, I came up empty. I began praying He would open up doors when the time was right. At the beginning of January God began to start showing me how faithful He is. A friend at church asked me if I was interested in going on a mission trip to Madagascar with his school (southwestern theological seminary). UMMM....YESSS! I couldn't help but laugh at how faithful God was...and that was only the beginning. After getting information to me over time, He got interested in it too and we both signed up to go....we got the last two spots available. We will be spending one week in West Madagascar where we will take a class on animism, so we can witness to the people there. In the hotel there is a lemur room where you walk in and lemurs come and jump on you. SWEET MUFFINS! (Lemurs have been my favorite animal since I was little and it is what God used to connect me to Madagascar where He has called me to be a missionary). From there we are taking a 5 day African bus ride (oh boy....) to the very south of Madagascar where "out in the middle of nowhere" will be the right term to use haha. There we will go hut to hut and witness to people and we will all have our own translator. Not only did God place this trip in my hands, but I was also praying for people to get in touch with who are missionaries there. My roommate walked in one day and said she saw a family's name in the prayer room who are missionaries in Madagascar and they had their email address. I began to email them and found out they are actually going to be part of our trip. Not only did God give me people to get in touch with, but I will get to meet about FAITHFUL. This is what God can do when you trust Him.
Maybe you are having trouble trusting the Lord in your college choice. Maybe it's your major, maybe it's an important move, Maybe it's with something medical, maybe it's with a relationship or a future relationship. Whatever it is....just remember, He is Faithful to lead. LET HIM LEAD. Part of being a set apart daughter is placing your thoughts and actions on the alter and giving your King FULL control. He Loves you and wants to give you freedom from worry, freedom from over planning, freedom to trust the Lord with the future.
How has God been faithful in your life?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

oh, hey there first blog

*that awkward long silence while trying to figure out the first words of the first blog post...*

        This blog was created to cover issues to spur young women on to live a set apart life for their King. He is a jealous God who desires you to follow him when it's easy WHOLEHEARTEDLY. What does that practically look like? What does the Bible say about being a woman? How do we seek the Lord and live set apart when the world is telling us to look a certain way, act a certain way, and chase after beauty, guys, and acceptance?

         This blog will look at issues such as: beauty, modesty, Proverbs 31, solitude, simplicity, finding fulfillment, guarding your heart, purity, guys and relationships, the gift of singleness, the story of Ruth, and many others.

         Any other suggestions for topics? I'll try to post at least once a week.

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
 Proverbs 31:30