Has there ever been a time in your life where there seemed to be things you were missing out on by following Christ? Maybe you looked at friends who were not Christians and it seemed like maybe they were having more fun because they got to party and live without regrets? This is very similar to what the Israelites felt like after the Lord had rescued them from their oppression under the Egyptians. While it's easy to look back on the story in the Bible and stand amazed that they would turn from God after all He had just done for them, we do the same thing at times, don't we?
Even though they began to turn away from their Jealous God, He still lovingly pursued them by providing in miraculous ways such as the parting of the Red Sea, the cloud by day, the fire by night, the manna, the water that came from the rock, and a victory against the Egyptians. Even then, they rebelled against their leaders and began to sacrifice to other gods.

Deuteronomy 32:16-18
"They made Him jealous with their foreign gods and angered Him with their detestable idols. They sacrificed to false gods, which are not God-gods they had not known, gods that recently appeared, gods your ancestors did not fear. You deserted the Rock, who fathered you; you forgot the God who gave you birth."
God became jealous that they were turning to other gods. The Israelites were His. He created them, He loved them more than anyone else ever could, He provided for them, and He had brought them out of slavery. He was rightfully jealous. Remember, His jealousy is righteous because they were already His, and it is out of love for them. Little did they know, the Lord was not going to let them turn away without a fight. Over and over again Moses pleaded to God on their behalf to forgive them. He did, but there were still consequences so that they would learn to follow their Maker. After pursuing them over and over again, He did what was ultimately best for them and did not allow them to enter the promise land. He would have loved to see them enter the promise land but because He was jealous for them He allowed affliction so they would learn to follow Him. While they were in the wilderness wandering around for 40 years, God continued to pursue them and provide for them in incredible ways. Even in their affliction the Lord loved on them and wanted their hearts.
Even though the Israelites lost many battles and were often in distress, The Lord continued to show His jealousy. You see, God was too jealous for His people not to discipline them. Even in discipline He loved on His precious children, like a father sitting in time-out with his screaming child
. He showed them grace when 2 men, Joshua and Caleb, decided to trust God, while many people continued to turn away from their God. Funny how our culture tends to think God is against us when "bad things happen to good people," but He loves us too much not to allow trials to enter our lives to grow us and turn our eyes to Him.
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