Thursday, May 16, 2013


Satan has kept me from blogging for awhile, telling me I had to have some kind of profound and life-changing study to share in order to post something. After a few days of studying for finals and not getting a ton of sleep, I moved back home and decided to take a nap. I could not fall asleep. My mind was racing. I was thinking about how far the Lord has brought me these last two years in college, the friends I made, the adventures I went on, and the people who have changed my life. I thought about some of my friends who have decided to follow the Lord even though there would be a huge change. I thought about how the Lord has worked in my life and challenged me to embrace change. I don't know why, but my loving Father and Savior made it clear to me I was supposed to blog today.

My old high school's graduation is today and it made me think about my days in high school. I remembered learning Spanish and honestly hating it. I never wanted to learn a different language. The thought of becoming fluent in another language seemed exciting but way too daunting. It takes time. It takes a willingness to make a change. It takes a leap of faith since you never know if God may call you to another country where you never saw yourself going. The Lord shattered that pride and started to give me a strong desire to learn French, especially since Madagascar's second language is French. I have never enjoyed learning a language until now. Why? Because God changed my motives. Languages are one of the best ways to show someone from a different country you care enough about them to spend time learning how to love on them through communication. How are we going to change the World and impact people if we can't even talk to people in different countries? How will we be able to work along side other Christians when we can't speak to them? Think about how many more opportunities there are to love on people and share the gospel when you can have a conversation with them. How is change going to happen if we aren't willing to make a change ourselves?

This year the Lord blessed me with an incredible job. During the school year, I get to work in DBU's international office, where I get to tutor students who took a leap of faith and came to DBU to learn English. I got to tutor and minister to students from all over the world, including Africa, Chile, Italy, Korea, China, Brazil, and many other places. I have been so encouraged by their willingness to make a change and go where the Lord led them. They were willing to follow the Lord and travel to a strange country where they could not even have a conversation with someone for awhile. Those students have no idea what kind of impact they made on me this year. One of my favorite memories of the year is when we took a group of international students to the Canton flea market and on the way we all sang the song "If You're Happy and You Know it." Here's the cool part....we sang it in 6 different languages at once and I got to sing it in French. I have never appreciated different languages and cultures until this year. Funny thing is, I used to be a home body. Now, I desire to travel so I can see other parts of the Lord's beautiful creation and see His creativity in other cultures.

As I am sitting in my backyard, I looked over only to see a bright green lizard change from green to brown. He wasn't afraid of change or where he was going next. He simply embraced it. If lizards did not change colors, there would be a lot of fear since they would have more predators seeking them. Selah on that for a second. When we don't embrace change, we live with so much more fear... fear that cripples us. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the known. If we are unwilling to embrace change, think about how Satan has a foothold. I believe one of the greatest ways Satan holds us back from loving on people is through our fear of change. Not only does this change include embracing the nations with Him, but embracing the people around you. Don't be afraid of change. Close your eyes, grasp your Savior's sovereign and loving hands, and dance with Him as He takes you on a beautiful and life-changing adventure. I promise you won't regret a thing.