These 10 days of praying for the grace to have my eyes opened to the way my Father loves me have been absolutely incredible. I have been challenged, encouraged, convicted, and so much more. On the tenth day of this challenge I was still in Mexico on a mission trip. God loved on me that day through the encouragement of others on the trip. It's taken me awhile to write about the tenth day since life has been a little crazy since I got back from Mexico, but here it is!
Here's a little background before I continue. As many of you know, I am called to be a missionary in Madagascar, a large island off the coast of South Africa. This is one of my greatest passions. I love talking about Madagascar and I am looking forward to going back and getting to live there. It's the place I call home. It's always kinda funny. I feel like when people hear a little Christian girl who goes to a Christian college talk about how she is called to be a missionary they automatically think she has it all together. Yeah, that's funny. Not a chance. There are a lot of struggles I have and a lot of pride that the Lord is constantly pushing out of the way. I have no idea why He called me to be a missionary overseas but I am excited and am always praying for the grace to be obedient throughout the process. There are times when I am faithless but He remains faithful. I can't grasp that concept, but every time He remains faithful. If there's one thing I have learned these past 2 years it is the depth of the Lord's faithfulness. It's hard to grasp that concept when we live in a world that strives on unfaithfulness. It's everywhere. Magazines, friends, relationships, jobs, everything.
I have been so unfaithful to the Lord so many times. There have been times in my life where I tried to plan out my life and tried to not be "that person" that didn't know what they wanted to do. Every time I tried to do that without praying about it first I have fallen on my face humbled, and each time the Lord's plan is 10X better than mine could have ever been. Sometimes you have to love His sense of humor, even when it's hard to laugh. I used to think I had a great plan for my life, now I know His plan is better.
Isaiah 55:8-9
"My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."
During the trip in Mexico, I was so encouraged by the two interns who were there for a month to love on these kids. They gave up a month of their lives to serve and follow in obedience, but the funny thing is, they weren't really giving up their life. They gained life. You could see it in the way they played with those kids. When we give up our lives for Christ, we gain everything. Both of the interns there also want to be a missionaries in Africa. I am always so encouraged when I meet people with the same passions. One of them that I talked to didn't know where he was going or when he would go but was completely relying on the Lord's timing and was excited to see where the Lord would take him. He gave up his future out of pure obedience. I was so encouraged by how the Lord was using the interns there and I knew God used them to help shatter some doubts and fears I had. When the Lord opens our eyes, we can see how the Lord is encouraging us through the people around us. Even when we are unfaithful, He remains faithful (2 Timothy 2:13). I dare you to take the same 10 day challenge. It will change your perspective, as it did mine.